Woodland Almanac: Spring 2023

Farewell Woodlot World

My woodlot’s gone! For over 35 years it was a major part of my life, from the first few years when I heard about the program, through application for this pristine stand very close to town. I knew about the area because it had been rejected after I had submitted it as a cutting permit for a local mill. “Too close to town, could be needed as a recreation/conservation area, etc.” After my wife, Joy, and I bought a 1/4 section of previously bushmilled land nearby to fulfill the private treed land requirement, the woodlot was applied for and subsequently awarded to us in 1987.


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Almanac Spring 2023


About The Woodland Almanac

The Woodland Almanac is a quarterly joint publication of the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations and the Woodlot Product Development Council.

Categories: All News, Woodland Almanac

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