Woodland Almanac: Summer 2022

The Benefits of Outdoor Education and Woodlot Licence Contributions

Teachers have known for decades about the benefits of outdoor education. Studies have shown that when you turn nature into classroom great things happen: retention and engagement increase, especially in students who don’t thrive in a traditional classroom setting; students who might have been apathetic towards science develop greater curiosity; and, they tend to be more mindful of issues around conservation and sustainability in their day-to-day lives. These are just a few of the benefits.

And they’re one of the many reasons Heidi Christison – a Science teacher at Boundary Central Secondary School in Midway, BC – has partnered with the Boundary Woodlot Association and turned woodlots into a classroom for her Grade 11/12 Environmental Science students.


To read the full article, download the full newsletter PDF below:

Almanac Summer 2022


About The Woodland Almanac

The Woodland Almanac is a quarterly joint publication of the Federation of BC Woodlot Associations and the Woodlot Product Development Council.

Categories: All News, Woodland Almanac

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